
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

oh my oh my

I have to apologize for taking so long to do an update. Life has been crazy hectic in the Hansen household. So, enough small talk....lets get to business.

Hmmm....where to start. During the last few weeks of September, my sister, Tera, started coming over to learn how to take care of Tristan, because I needed to return to work in October. So Tera started coming over and after the first week, I started going on short errands to leave them alone.

I started work on Friday October 16th. I was pumping...but I found that I wasn't producing enough milk to make the time of pumping worth it. I was lucky if I got 1 oz total from both sides. So after the first week I only had about 4 1/2 or 5 oz of breastmilk. So I stopped pumping and I only breastfed in the morning and evening. It didn't last long before Tristan just wouldn't let me breastfeed anymore.

Leaving T all day wasn't so hard, because I was leaving him with my mom and Tera, but what WAS hard, was knowing that I was going to start missing things. He was just starting to really learn how to do stuff and I just knew that things were going to start to fly by.

  • On October 30, I got a text message from my was a picture of Tristan on his belly. The caption said "Mommy, I rolled over by myself". He rolled from back to belly when grandma wasn't looking.

Around the end of October/1st of November, T's behavior started changing. On a Saturday he, was acting really fussy. Nothing really seemed to make him happy for very long. He didn't feel warm to me, but I took his temperature and it was about 101.4, but a few hours later it was back down to within normal range. then it went up again to a very mild fever so I gave him a small dose of baby Tylenol. He started waking up in the middle of the night, when he has been sleeping thru the night for a long time. When I would go into his room to give him his paci, that wasn't good enough, so I would pick him up. He would keep his eyes closed the whole time and just whine/moan. The only thing that would settle him down was to feed him. Well then, on November 4th I got to my moms house to pick T up after work. Him and I were playing on the floor. He was holding my finger and he stuck it in his mouth and I was like :-O "what is that?" I went to work, trying to get his mouth open so I could SEE what I was feeling.....Sure enough, you guessed it, he got his FIRST tooth. Then just 3 days later the 2nd tooth broke thru! WOW! He wasn't even 5 months old yet and had 2 teeth.

  • What really made this a 'Special' moment? I felt like he was 'showing' me. My mom and Tera hadn't noticed it (or if they did, they kept it secret...thank you). It felt like he was proud of himself and had saved this moment just for me!

Tristan has now celebrated his first Halloween. We had professional photos taken of him in his Halloween costume. He was a turtle. In the picture there is a bunny (Thumper), so we call it the Tortoise and the Hare. hehe The weekend before Halloween, T went with my mom to GGs house for our annual pumpkin carving party. One of his Aunties carved a pumpkin for him. This was his first overnight without mommy and daddy. While he was seeing the family, Jimmy and I were at the annual Halloween Party that we go to that benefits Vacaville Public Education Foundation. We were Pirates.

On Halloween my mom and I took T to the pumpkin patch. We bought him his 1st pumpkins. He got one normal size one, as well as two smaller ones. I wrote 'Baby's 1st' on one and the other was small enough for him to hold. We dressed him in the Ewok costume we got from The (Washington) Fong family and took pictures of him in the hay wagon full of pumpkins, and riding on the 'faux' horsies. It was a lot of fun. In the normal size pumpkin, I carved two BIG holes in the bottom and we took pictures of T sitting inside his pumpkin. Then I used those 'leg' holes as eyes and carved his pumpkin upside down.

Tristan is growing so fast. His next doctors appointment is Monday November 23rd.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3.5 months old

So we went to the doctor today. Tristan had to get his second round of vaccinations. One oral and two shots. He got more Bugs Bunny Band Aids and he cried for a little longer this time...but then he was asleep in his car seat by the time we got out of the doctors office. He slept in the car and then he woke up when we got home and I fed him and he went down for his afternoon nap (early) and slept for about 3 hours. Then later fell asleep in my arms while I was watching funny videos on You Tube about babys first laughs...they were so funny!

Anyway, Here is where he is at now! 14 pounds, 13.5 ounces and 25 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for his height and the 50-75th percentile in weight. The doctor is very happy with his growth. She wants us to work more on tummy time so he can start to roll over. She said since all is going well with his weight gain, we will wait to start cereal once he is 6 months old. She also said he is almost ready for the exersaucer, he just needs to get a little more control over his neck/head.

He started giggling a few days ago and smiles alot now. He likes it when we put his toes in his mouth...that makes him giggle. And this morning him and I were hanging out on the bed and just talking and making faces lying next to each other....when I sat up and then sat him up in front of me and started talking to him he started giggling....that was pretty special.

For a while now he has been batting at his toys that hang from his play mat...but today he actually started intentionally reaching for them. He will hold the rattle in his left hand and the chime-frog with his right hand and move his arms all over and kick his feet like crazy. He also will grab the rattle with both hands and try to pull it down to put it in his mouth.

By now you should have received an email from Snapfish, inviting you to view our pictures. If you haven’t gotten this email, please let me know so I can have it resent. The only downfall, is they require you to sign up in order to view the pictures..but its FREE and just takes a few minutes…plus this is really the easiest way for you to see current pictures as email will only allow me to send a few pics at a time. I plan to upload pictures each month, of the previous month. So when Tristan turns 4 months old on October 11th, shortly there after, I will upload all the pics that we took of him while he was 3 months old. With Snapfish, you should be able to order prints of any of our pictures and they will mail them to you. They also have all kinds of other merchandise that you can get with his picture on it, like mugs, mouse pads, calendars, photo books, even stamps! Also, now that we are set up on Snapfish, I should be able to load slideshows onto the blog, which should be easier and faster than the way I have been doing it in the past. So after I upload the 3month pics I will try to put a slide show on the blog.

So here are just a few pictures to get you by until October 11th (ish)! ;-)

Playing in my new exersaucer thing...although I'm still not quite big enough for it.

Great Grandma and Grandpa Hansen came over for a visit

4 Generations of Hansen Men.
Great Grandpa Herb, Grandpa Chris, Daddy Jim and Baby Tristan

(This is the only shot that mommy got on our camera...not so good.
Will Grandpa Chris and Great Grandma email my mommy some of the shots that were taken with your camera?
Pretty please with a Tristan Kiss on Top!?!?!)

Hanging out on the couch...eating my hands

Wearing my "I was Born at John Muir Medical Center" T-shirt!

Blowing Bubbles! (if you look closely, you can see them on my chin)

Getting a Bath

MOMmmmmmm....I am trying to play here...stop it with the flash!

Playing with my toys, and kicking my legs!

Watching "Handy Manny" on Disney Channel

Well...That's All Folks!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We have ourselves a little Gemini!

About the Gemini Child - A Quick and Agile Mind

Your Gemini child will look up at you with bright, merry eyes, making you laugh as he makes it clear there's a lot going on in that head of his. And if he starts talking at an early age, he's just living up to his nature!

Gemini children tend to be communicative, charming, and social, but even if your Gemini child is a quieter sort, he's still quick-witted, curious, and mentally engaged with the world around him. Make sure he's always surrounded with books and puzzles to stimulate his mind, and give him plenty of space and supplies for his many projects.

Gemini children love anything new, and they tend to bounce from one activity to the next at a moment's notice. As soon as they master a new challenge, they'll grow bored with it and move on. Their mood may also change in the blink of an eye.

Many Gemini children are indecisive or change their minds often. The other side of this coin is their adaptability. Gemini children often prefer variety of experience over depth of understanding, but as their parent, you can help them focus and develop a particular area of strength.

Your Gemini will excel at cerebral endeavors like reading, writing, and debate, as well as anything requiring dexterity, such as playing the piano. Due to their variety of interests, Gemini children tend to have many friends and will often be the center of the circle, naturally excelling at what we grown-ups call networking.

WELL...That about sums Tristan up!!! I can see the signs, of a lot of these traits already!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


We are so lucky to have so many family members that love us so much. This past week was filled with lots of visitors!!!

Ok…So, last post, we had just gone to the doctor....Tristan weighed 11lbs 13oz and we found out breastfeeding alone wasn't enough....that was last the doctor asked us to come in for a weight check on Monday....just 5 days later he weighed 12lbs 12oz....that’s almost 1 full pound in 5 days!! WOW! :-O

On Thursday Grandpa Michael and Grandma Mary came down from Auburn for lunch. Tristan got to snuggle and fall asleep with Grandma and he got to play with Grandpa. He really enjoyed sharing his smiles with them.

On Saturday Grandma Teresa and Auntie Kylie came over to baby-sit Tristan. Jimmy and I went out to dinner at Spice Thai Kitchen to celebrate my coming 29th Birthday! Dinner was great....but we missed our movie (Inglorious Bastards) so we went to Starz and played pool instead. I WON all 4 games!!! It was great to get out and enjoy each other for a few hours. Thanks Grandma Teresa and Auntie Kylie.

On Monday Tristan's Great Grandma Erma, Grandma Teresa, Great Aunt's Debi & Lisa, Aunties Tera & Kylie and Second Cousin Breeann all came up to Vacaville to go to lunch with us to celebrate my birthday. We also celebrated my Aunt Lisa's birthday. It was great seeing everyone!

My actual birthday was Tuesday (Sept 1st). Even though we went out on Saturday, Jimmy still wanted to cook me a special I asked for, shrimp skewers, potatoes and asparagus. It came out GREAT and was Yum-O!

The upcoming holiday weekend is separating our little family for 3 days. Jimmy is gong to Lake Shasta for a houseboat-bachelor party weekend for his best friend Jason. Tristan and I, joined by my mom, will be heading to Reno/Sparks, NV for the Annual Nugget Rib Cook Off!

Well that’s all folks....Here's what you all come here for....PICTURES!!!

swinging in the big baby swing at the park
playing with Grandapa Michael
this is fun
I got big muscles!

after a bath

Auntie Kylie sleeping on the job! lol
me and mommie on her birthday

birthday mommie...29!
mommies birthday dinner. Seasoned potatoes (broiled), BBQ'd shrimp with Garlic Parmesan Basil butter, Asparagus and fresh Sourdough bread! Yum-O!!!!!!!

good morning
just hanging out in the swing

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So, we were having internet issues, so I haven't been able to do any updates....but we are good here it is...

Tristan is now 11 weeks old (well tomorrow actually). We went to the doctor today and he is 11 lbs and 13 oz, so he just keeps on growing! It seems that even though he is gaining weight well, he doesn't seem to be getting enough milk from me, so starting this afternoon we are supplementing with formula. I hope to purchase or rent a pump soon, so we can supplement with breastmilk, plus when I start pumping it will tell my body to produce more milk.

Well...what else...
August 3 - FIRST night sleeping in his crib in his room


got my overalls and work boots on...goin' to Daddie's job

There was a HUGE crane and it lifted the concrete walls high in the air

in my swing


sleepin' in my swing

Daddie given me a bath

playin' in my swing

sleepin' in the swing, with my quilt from Great Grandma Kristy

back at Daddie's ALL the walls are up...time for the roof

went to watch Daddie work today

hangin' out in the sling, we LOVE this thing

sittin' in my Bumpo watchin' TV, channel surfing (just kidding)

In my Bumpo...this is Gomer, my teddy bear....Mommie & Daddie, on their 3 Year Wedding Anniversary...their present to each other, was making Gomer for me at the Build-A-Bear Store!
playin' with Daddie...LOTS of Smiles!!!

I LOVE taking baths!
Sleepin' in my crib in my own room!

Well...That's All Folks!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We survived...

Tristan, as well as mommy & daddy,
survived his first set of immunizations!

Tristan is now 6 1/2 weeks old.

He has grown from 8lbs 4oz, 19in at birth to 10lbs 1oz, 21 1/2in.
The doctor says he looks great and is gaining weight nicely.
Our next appointment is at 4 months old, in October.
Here are some pictures from his appointment yesterday!

First they measured me...I grew 2 1/2 inches...

then they weighed me...I've gained almost 2lbs... then I got my shots...they hurt and made me cry
with lots of tears...afterwards mommy cuddled me and then daddy cuddled me...
I am feeling better now...they gave me a Bugs Bunny Band-Aid on each leg....
and they gave me a book for being such a good boy...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

One Month

Can you believe a month has gone by already?
Well here are some pics from this first month...Enjoy!

8 days old...sleeping in his basket
First "Creekwalk"! Free concerts at the park every Friday during the summer!
8 days old
First Fathers Day!
10 days old
Hanging with Dad on Father's Day!
12 days old sleeping in the playard
12 days old
12 days old
12 days old about to get swaddled
16 days old...just over 2 weeks!
2nd cousin, Brooke - 4years old
Tristan is wearing Mommies 'newborn' jammies!
First 4th of July
23 days old
Sleeping during fireworks!
Bathtime! 26 days old
Sleepytime in swing after bath!
Officially 4 weeks old (but not quite 1 month)
Playtime! 28 days old
Stay tuned for pics of My 2nd Month

in this Crazy World!