
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jimmy's Sister!

Hi all! Well if you didn't already know, this past weekend Jimmy's sister, Andria, came out to CA from AZ. We had a Baby Shower for her with all the family and friends in CA. It was great to see her because its been too long. The last time we saw her, was for our Weddings. They were married in June and we were married in August 2006. Anyway she was 24 weeks pregnant on the day of her shower. The shower went very well. Lots of great food and many good friends. baby Aidan got lots of cute stuff including a hand-made cradle by grandpa Ralph.
Here is a picture of the 2 pregnant ladies in the family...
Also, I know a lot of people have been bugging me about a "Baby Bump" picture. So, since you can't see it very well in the pic above here are two more...I am 17weeks and 3 days in these pics!

...just 16 more days until we find out if we are having a boy or girl!!! :-)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

So, I know its been a while since I have been on and posted anything! I hope that everyone had a Fabulous Christmas and I wish you all a Happy New Year! Baby seems to be doing fine so far. We had an appointment on Jan. 2. Jimmy had the day off so he was able to make it. He got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! So that was cool. We are looking forward to our next ultrasound on Feb. 6th, which is when we should be able to find out if we are having a bouncing baby boy or girl! I will take another baby bump picture soon and get it posted, although I don't thinks its changed much! Our next regular doctor appointment is Jan. 29th! Write more then....