
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

oh my oh my

I have to apologize for taking so long to do an update. Life has been crazy hectic in the Hansen household. So, enough small talk....lets get to business.

Hmmm....where to start. During the last few weeks of September, my sister, Tera, started coming over to learn how to take care of Tristan, because I needed to return to work in October. So Tera started coming over and after the first week, I started going on short errands to leave them alone.

I started work on Friday October 16th. I was pumping...but I found that I wasn't producing enough milk to make the time of pumping worth it. I was lucky if I got 1 oz total from both sides. So after the first week I only had about 4 1/2 or 5 oz of breastmilk. So I stopped pumping and I only breastfed in the morning and evening. It didn't last long before Tristan just wouldn't let me breastfeed anymore.

Leaving T all day wasn't so hard, because I was leaving him with my mom and Tera, but what WAS hard, was knowing that I was going to start missing things. He was just starting to really learn how to do stuff and I just knew that things were going to start to fly by.

  • On October 30, I got a text message from my was a picture of Tristan on his belly. The caption said "Mommy, I rolled over by myself". He rolled from back to belly when grandma wasn't looking.

Around the end of October/1st of November, T's behavior started changing. On a Saturday he, was acting really fussy. Nothing really seemed to make him happy for very long. He didn't feel warm to me, but I took his temperature and it was about 101.4, but a few hours later it was back down to within normal range. then it went up again to a very mild fever so I gave him a small dose of baby Tylenol. He started waking up in the middle of the night, when he has been sleeping thru the night for a long time. When I would go into his room to give him his paci, that wasn't good enough, so I would pick him up. He would keep his eyes closed the whole time and just whine/moan. The only thing that would settle him down was to feed him. Well then, on November 4th I got to my moms house to pick T up after work. Him and I were playing on the floor. He was holding my finger and he stuck it in his mouth and I was like :-O "what is that?" I went to work, trying to get his mouth open so I could SEE what I was feeling.....Sure enough, you guessed it, he got his FIRST tooth. Then just 3 days later the 2nd tooth broke thru! WOW! He wasn't even 5 months old yet and had 2 teeth.

  • What really made this a 'Special' moment? I felt like he was 'showing' me. My mom and Tera hadn't noticed it (or if they did, they kept it secret...thank you). It felt like he was proud of himself and had saved this moment just for me!

Tristan has now celebrated his first Halloween. We had professional photos taken of him in his Halloween costume. He was a turtle. In the picture there is a bunny (Thumper), so we call it the Tortoise and the Hare. hehe The weekend before Halloween, T went with my mom to GGs house for our annual pumpkin carving party. One of his Aunties carved a pumpkin for him. This was his first overnight without mommy and daddy. While he was seeing the family, Jimmy and I were at the annual Halloween Party that we go to that benefits Vacaville Public Education Foundation. We were Pirates.

On Halloween my mom and I took T to the pumpkin patch. We bought him his 1st pumpkins. He got one normal size one, as well as two smaller ones. I wrote 'Baby's 1st' on one and the other was small enough for him to hold. We dressed him in the Ewok costume we got from The (Washington) Fong family and took pictures of him in the hay wagon full of pumpkins, and riding on the 'faux' horsies. It was a lot of fun. In the normal size pumpkin, I carved two BIG holes in the bottom and we took pictures of T sitting inside his pumpkin. Then I used those 'leg' holes as eyes and carved his pumpkin upside down.

Tristan is growing so fast. His next doctors appointment is Monday November 23rd.