Ok! So we had our 20 week ultrasound appt. We got to find out if we are having a boy or girl......
Guess what!? WE ARE HAVING A BOY!!!
We are so excited.
The doctor counted his toes and fingers, all 20 are accounted for! The doctor also said that he has long legs! :-) Which of course Jimmy's response was, "That ain't my kid" and I was like...."Babe, it is your kid. He just, thankfully, got my legs and not yours." For those of you that don't know, he has been given crap from a lot of people, myself included, that he has short legs. haha
Well here are some ultrasound pics.
This first pic is what the doctor likes to call the "coffee table shot". Imagine we sat the baby ontop of a glass coffee table and then you lay on the floor under the table and look up....this is what you would see.
(if you click on the picture, I added descriptions of what you are looking at)